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About Us

Our club thrives on the dedication of our rowers, the support of parents and families, and a shared passion for rowing.  For our students, rowing is fully integrated into the school calendar and provides the opportunity to compete at a local, national and international level. For our families, a fun social programme is arranged by the Grange Rowing Parents’ Association with functions across the year.

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Meet The Team

The Benefits of Rowing for students

Rowing, often referred to as the ultimate team sport, provides students with a unique blend of
physical, mental, and social benefits. At The Grange School Rowing Club, we believe that the
discipline and camaraderie fostered by rowing can greatly enhance a student's overall


Here are some of the key benefits our students gain from the sport:



Probably the most important facet of rowing. Rowing is a time where our rowers can gain perspective and decompress from the demands of their daily school life. The change of
environment that comes with rowing provides a physical release from the emotional and
intellectual stresses of the school environment. This is key to the mental wellbeing of our

Physical Fitness:

Rowing is a full-body workout that engages almost every major muscle group. It improves cardiovascular endurance, builds muscle strength, and enhances flexibility.

Mental Toughness:

The training and dedication to the sport cultivates resilience and mental fortitude. Rowers learn to handle pressure, stay focused, and persevere even when faced with

Teamwork and Camaraderie:

Rowing is a sport where teamwork is paramount. Students learn the importance of working in harmony with others, understanding that the boat moves best when everyone is in sync. This fosters a deep sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among team members.

Discipline and Time Management:

Balancing academic responsibilities with regular training sessions teaches students the importance of discipline and effective time management. They learn to prioritise tasks, manage their schedules, and make the most of their time.

Leadership Skills:

Whether taking the role of a coxswain, leading drills, or simply setting a good example for newer members.


Connection with Nature:

Rowing on open waters allows students to connect with nature. It instils an appreciation for the environment and can be a source of relaxation and mental rejuvenation.

Life Skills:

Rowing teaches essential life skills such as patience, determination, and adaptability. The ability to adapt to changing conditions on the water, be it a sudden change in weather or a technical malfunction, prepares students for the unpredictabilities of life.

Sense of Belonging:

Being part of a rowing club provides students with a sense of community and belonging. They form lasting friendships, share memorable experiences, and support each other both on and off the water.


At The Grange School Rowing Club, we are committed to providing our students with an holistic rowing experience, ensuring they reap the physical and mental benefits it brings. We believe that the skills and values learned through rowing will serve our students well, not just in their academic pursuits, but in all facets of life.

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